Christmas Crib in the Vatican

The Christmas Crib shows the Nativity in life-size. It is composed of 18 cedar wood statues lying on a larch wood half-dome structure which has been manufactured in our factory.

The inauguration took place on Saturday 3 December with a delegation of Authorities from Friuli Venezia Giulia, led by the Governor Mr. Massimiliano Fedriga who has declared: “The nativity scene is a very important showcase for our Region.
Ursula Von del Leyen – Use wood for the constructions

Ursula Von der Leyen – Use wood for the constructions

Building with wood is good for the economy, the planet and health. The President of the European Commission in her speech to the general states of the European Union said that “the way to build must change, with the use of sustainable materials and with wood that stores CO2.
The President has underlined how important the use of sustainable and renewable raw materials will be. The best architects in the world are trying to carry out projects with wood as the primary element for structures, finishing and facades.
SHEEP STABLE in Central Italy/Amatrice

SHEEP STABLE in Central Italy/Amatrice

The construction of a sheep shed at Spelonga di Arquata del Tronto was completed in just 20 days. A building which is one of the first stables in the reconstruction area built after the earthquake of 2016 which hit Central Italy. A construction that makes the animals feel better, it improves their well-being and it fits perfectly into the environmental context of a protected park up in the high mountains.
In this building, the main part of the supporting structure was made of wood from the forests crashed by the severe storm VAIA in 2018. The external cladding is in natural long-lasting larch. Therefore, we gave the trees, which have been destroyed by the storm, a worthy use.
Riparte Eurostratex

Eurostratex (re)-starts

The Company, reborn by the recovery of all the experiences of the historic Friuli reconstruction companies, has started up again. Since the end of October 2020, the factories have been reactivated after the stand-by due to the acquisition of the business unit. Thus, it has started the production of special, extra long GLULAM wood beams up to 40 mt long again which is one of the most important strength points of Eurostratex along with Timber Frame walls CNC machine.